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Public Sector Project Management Forum Logo

Terms of Reference


To coordinate a dynamic semi-annual “Public Sector Project Management Forum” that provides an opportunity for project practitioners in the broader public sector to network, collaborate, and share ideas in the interests of improving project management in the public sector.


Ensure the broader public sector agencies are represented at the PSPM Forums including: Federal, Provincial, Regional and Municipal governments, conservation authorities, health, education, utilities, emergency services and other sectors.

Provide a variety of project management common topics of interest for forum discussions with a focus on topics that are particular to the public sector.

Enlist project management professionals from the public sector for information sharing.

Committee Membership

Committee membership will be comprised from, but not limited to, Federal, Provincial, Regional and Municipal governments, non-government public sector agencies, as well as past and current forum hosts.

Committee members may identify one non-voting backup to regularly attend meetings with them, or in their absence. Backups are not included in the quorum count.

The committee may invite new members after discussion and majority vote of attending/responding members. New members should represent an agency that is not currently represented.

Term of Committee Membership

The term of a member will normally be 3 years, but will be renewable at the members’ request, with committee approval. If a committee member does not participate in meetings for a period of one year, they will be asked if they wish to continue in that role.

Roles and Responsibilities

Committee members will:

  • Assist the host of the upcoming event in planning
  • Assist in determining the agenda, topics, and schedule for the event.
  • Assist in reviewing presentations to be made at the event.
  • Identify a Back Up to provide representation, support as needed.

Back Up members will:

  • Assist the Committee member as needed

The Committee Chair will:

  • Call, schedule and facilitate committee meetings to deal with Forum events and items. Where possible, phone in or email may be used to increase participation/feedback.
  • Prepare and communicate the meeting agenda and meeting minutes.
  • Ensure there is meeting quorum, encourage and promote consistent attendance.
  • Oversee forum process (membership changes, passing of the chair, forum business decisions)
  • Provide an opening and closing contribution at each Forum event.
  • Act as a committee member (above)
  • Pass the torch to the vice-chair, and become the past chair on an annual basis.

The Committee Vice Chair will:

  • Be elected from the existing committee membership.
  • Assist/support the committee/chair.
  • Act as a committee member (above)
  • Succeed to be the chair after a period of one year

The Past Committee Chair will:

  • Assist/support the committee/chair.
  • Act as a committee member (above).
  • Serves for a period of one year, then continue as a committee member.

The host of the forum will:

  • Be responsible for allocating funds and securing resources for the event
  • Lead the planning of the event
  • Ensure the event follows PSPMF recommendations/guidelines

The most recent past forum host will:

  • Provide a forum close-out report to the next host


The Steering Committee will meet at minimum two times per year for official PSPMF Steering Committee business. These meetings will be scheduled for February and September and are recommended to be face to face.

Additional Steering Committee meetings may be held at the call of the chair or current host to confirm event planning prior to each forum, and to provide feedback 1 month following each forum.

Generally, most communication between committee members will be completed via e-mail and telephone.

The Steering Committee member’s regular backup may attend meetings with them, or in their absence. Backups are non-voting and not included in the quorum count.

A quorum of 5 (five) committee members must be in attendance to conduct an official committee meeting.